sábado, 28 de septiembre de 2019

Have to & must

Explain the reasons for the rules
Generic competency.
4. The student listens, interprets and communicates messages relevant to different contexts by using appropriate means, codes, and tools.
Hi, good afternoon, my name is Mariana Gomez Flores and the place I choose is the church and this are some rules.
The first rule is: you have to talk in low voice, because you don´t permit listen the word of god. The second rule is: you must enter without hat. The third rule is: you mustn´t wear neckline clothing. And the last rule is: you don´t have enter with food and drinks. Thank you.

viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2019

Conversation at a restaurant

Conversation at a restaurant
Disciplinary competency
4. the student produces texts based on the normative use of language, considering the intention and communicative situation.
Waiter: Welcome to Julio´s restaurant.
Mariana: Thank you. Could we sit at that table?
Waiter: Of course! Come this way.
Daniela: Could you show us the menu please?
Waiter: Yes here it is….. Could I take your order?
Mariana: Yes, I would like a broccoli soup, grilled chicken, French fries and ice cream.
Daniela: I would like a vegetable soup, grilled steak, rice and chocolate cake.
Waiter: Sure! Could I offer anything else?
Mariana: That´s all for now. Thank you.


Hi everybody. My name is Mariana Gómez Flores I am seventeen years old. My parents name´s are Enrique Gómez and Herminia Flores I have a sister her name is Jesica and I have a little brother his name is Samuel. I have a boyfriend his name is Bogart, and I feel happier when I am with he. I don´t have a pet and that is really sad. My favorite singer is Billie Eilish and my favorite songs are I love you, ocean eyes, when the party´s over and I don´t wanna be you anymore. I am a student in the CBTa and I am happy with that. My favorite color is black.

jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2019


Subsecretaria de Educación Media Superior
Unidad de Educación Media Superior Tecnológica Agropecuaria y Ciencias del Mar
Centro de Bachillerato Tecnológico Agropecuario No. 166
“Lic. J. Guadalupe González Estrada”
Moyahua de Estrada Zacatecas

C.B.T.A. 166

Centro de Bachillerato Tecnológico No. 166
“Lic. J. Guadalupe González Estrada”

P o r t f o l i o
English 5
(Learning Evidences)
Student: Mariana Gómez Flores
Group: 5 T.O.
Career: T.O.
Teacher: Ing. Julio Abed Escalante Hernández
Term: August 2019 to January 2020
Moyahua de Eda. Zac., a 26 de August de 2019

Second conditional / Comic strips

EIGHT #RESEARCH PROJECT: Choose one alternative energy source mentioned in the article and use the internet to find out about its advantag...